Did you notice the full moon taking up its glorious space up in the sky tonight? So proud and owning, up there. Maybe the sky is so welcoming and opening its darkness for it. Either way it is a celebration for the human eye — the easily amazed, curious and childish one.
Recently, I have been thinking about what belonging means. We went to watch the VCU Women’s Basketball game this weekend. It was not just a game, it was a social gathering where fans celebrate and cheer. There was a band of extremely devoted musicians shaking their bodies up and down with the rhythm. Teams of cheer leaders and gymnasts, dancing and doing flips to the music. In between there was the game too. When we scored a point we all screamed and clapped.
What makes a person identify with a team? You might ask: what is even the benefit of doing this? I used to think watching sports like soccer did not make any sense. Watching 22 men run after a ball, so empty. But this time, I felt different. Maybe this feeling of belonging is what I am craving.
As I walked back home today, under the train tracks there was a homeless lady. She had her "belongings" piled up on a shopping cart. Layers of blankets to keep her warm got wet from melting snow dripping from the tracks. A box of water bottles and gift wrapped tins of canned food was dropped next to her. I wondered what does belonging mean to her. She could not be-long in her apartment. Now she has to find a way to a homeless shelter.
I read on a post today: If you want to change the world, start by making your bed. That would be difficult to find cures for all homelessness problems. I can practice being welcoming and supportive in my house. Once, I saw another young lady in downtown randomly stepping in no direction with her luggage. I heard that she muttered “they are part of the family”. Maybe she decided to leave thinking that she did not belong.
I am grateful that I have a place I call home. It appears, we belong to the place where we long to be. My brain stormed through these emotions as I walked by the lady. Ashamed of not being able to offer any help, I kept going. As I write the story now, I can only wish the full moon is welcoming her at her new home and guiding her to a better path.