Did you listen to Cranberries when you were a kid? Back then I did not even appreciate ‘cranberry’ was a fruit. But I loved the music, the changing levels of tension and the unique pitch of her voice.
Dreaming my dreams with you..
I will be dreaming my dreams with you..
And there is no other place,
That I lay down my face, happy.
Dreaming my dreams with you..
At some point, I did sing part of this to my students, when some of them looked sleepy. Somehow, this week my brain got a collection of ideas that centered around "dreams". (around the mean= mu, with variance = sd, no! Don’t do this to yourself. 😂)
I saw a post about forcing yourself to plan for your future by “dreaming yourself in 5 years from now". The task is to “write down what you are doing for the entire day, say on Jan 22 2030”. The goal is to DREAM BIG.
As another side note, when I was at William and Mary, I gave a talk in the Biology department seminar series, back in November 2022. To keep students engaged and entertained, I added a mouse clipart/cartoon holding up a letter on the side of data slides. The students were to collect all the letters= listen to the whole talk carefully. Then, unscramble the letters to find the secret words. Guess what, the secret words were DREAM BIG.
I tried to complete the above dreaming assignment. My knee jerk reaction was: I do not even have the right to dream this or it will be wasted time to dream. Though, honestly sometimes, I dream of owning a stationary/gift shop business. Sitting on the counter either reading books or learning more of my coding things. You may not think this is a BIG dream :) compared to getting a Nobel prize etc. But it is a very pretty dream for sure 😍
The next part of the assignment is to 'come back to the dream every 6 months' (by putting a repeating task on google calendar) and reviewing tasks to accomplish the dream. The claim is that by forcing the dream into our goals, we will change what we do that half of the year to get oriented towards the realization. Last Monday was Martin Luther King day. I saw another post with a quote from him: “If you can’t fly, run; if you can’t run, walk; if you can’t walk, crawl; but by all means keep moving.” This is a fitting motivation for realization of such dreams. Any movement, any progress counts. Just try to keep moving.
On the other hand, talking about real dreams —like the ones we cannot control, right?— I dreamed the other day, going back 10 years in time. The idea was that me and my husband signed up for this time travel arrangement. But it is a thoughtful system, as we go back in time, we are replaced by “dummy parents” to keep kids company, — not impacted by the change. In my dream the transition was a warm tingling sensation when we did the switching. Interesting.
Another song, I sang part of it, on that November 2022 day, was Gangsta’s Paradise.
Keep spending most their lives
Living in the Gangsta’s Paradise.
This song brings the perspective upside down. You know, the life that you want to get out of, trying to make BIG DREAMS to get out of, and make 6 month plans etc. Bro, that is already the paradise for some. Pour in the seeds of gratefulness, let them flourish.
Finished reading “The Last of the Moon Girls” and loved it. I noticed towards the end that I slowed down my reading and did not want the book to end. What kind of torture is to experience such a living, breathing story, only to watch it end. I started reading “Keeper of Happy Endings” also from the same author, only to notice a somewhat similar story backbone. One book focuses on scents (diversity of them and messages), other focuses on fabric and textile types. Focusing on things we can sense the curious varieties of.
Dreams, on the other hand, are not sensed.
Dreams are “experienced” and pretty much for free.
So, why not splurge yourself with more dreams now?
You never know, maybe your brain neural networks get rewired as you dream, or contemplate to actually perform tasks to get there.
What is one big dream of yours? Would you like to give it a name? 🥰